Although employees do their best to de-escalate situations, there will always be clients who become disruptive or violent. As a business owner, it’s crucial to have a plan in place for how to handle these types of situations.
But how can you put policies that protect your employees without infringing on your clients’ rights? Here are a few tips:
Defuse the Situation
The first step is to defuse the situation by remaining calm and professional. You can try speaking in a calm, quiet voice if the client is shouting. If the client is physically aggressive, you can try to move away from them or ask them to leave.
If the situation escalates and the client becomes violent, you must call the police. In the meantime, keep yourself and your employees safe by staying out of the way. Avoid any physical contact by moving employees to a secure location.
Have an Action Plan
Although it’s impossible to predict every potential situation, you should have a general action plan for dealing with disruptive or violent clients.
This plan should include who will call the police, how employees will stay safe, and what will happen if your team can’t defuse the situation.
You should also ensure that all your employees know the action plan and what to do in case of an incident.
Enforce Consequences
If a client becomes disruptive or violent, you must take action to protect your employees and your business. Enforcing consequences may mean asking the client to leave, banning them from your company, or pressing charges.
It’s essential to consistently enforce consequences so that clients know your business will not tolerate aggressive behavior.
Use a Security Company
High-risk businesses and those with a history of disruptive or violent clients may consider hiring a security company. Security guards can help to defuse situations and keep everyone safe.
If you hire a security company, ensure they are adequately trained and equipped to deal with disruptive or violent clients.
Remember, your employees’ safety should always be your top priority. By taking steps to prepare for and respond to disruptive or violent situations, you can help keep them safe. With the right plan of action in place, you can also minimize the impact on your business.

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